Hex 1d252d


HEX #1D252D RGB 29 37 45 CMYK 90 68 41 90 Pantone 433 U. Navy. HEX #041C2C RGB 4 28 44 CMYK 100 73 28 86 Pantone 296 C. Oxford Navy. HEX #13294B RGB 19 41 75 CMYK 100

RGB; HEX; CMYK. 012 035 068; 002145; 100 090 013 068 Pantone 433. RGB; HEX; CMYK. 029 037 045; 1D252D; 088 063 040 085  Jul 22, 2020 Hex #. 9EA2A2. SECONDARY COLOR: ANTHRACITE. Color Codes.

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HEX #1BB86C RGB 27 184 108 CMYK 89 25 56 4 Pantone 569 C. Grey. HEX #9A9B9C RGB 154 155 156 CMYK 46 36 The Hex color 1D2A23 is a dark color, and the websafe version is hex 333333. A complement of this color would be 2A1D24, and the grayscale version is 252525. A 20% lighter version of the original color is 49574F, and 000000 is the 20% darker color. If you saturate the color by 10%, you get 192A21, and if you desaturate by 10%, it is 212A25. In a RGB color space, hex #1d252d is composed of 11.4% red, 14.5% green and 17.6% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 35.6% cyan, 17.8% magenta, 0% yellow and 82.4% black.

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Web safe color of #1d252d is # 333333. Color #1d252d contains mainly BLUE color. Pantone / PMS 433 C / #1d252d código de cor hex.

Hex 1d252d

HEX #1D252D RGB 29 37 45 CMYK 90 68 41 90 Pantone 433 C. Green. HEX #1BB86C RGB 27 184 108 CMYK 89 25 56 4 Pantone 569 C. Grey. HEX #9A9B9C RGB 154 155 156 CMYK 46 36

White. Pantone 663. RAL: 9010.

The hexadecimal color code #1b252f is a very dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #1b252f is comprised of 10.59% red, 14.51% green and 18.43% blue. In the HSL color space #1b252f has a hue of 210° (degrees), 27% saturation and 15% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 479.58 nm. rgb 194, 10, 96 hex c26e60 cmyk 20, 66, 61, 4 rgb 93, 145, 63 hex 5d913f cmyk 69, 23, 100, 6 RGB 28, 37, 45 HEX 1D252D CMYK 81, 69, 57, 66 © 2020 HONE5TIX Studios HEX #1D252D RGB 29 37 45 CMYK 90 68 41 90 Pantone 433 C. Dark Grey. HEX #636A73 RGB 99 106 115 CMYK 67 49 43 16 Pantone 431 U. Darkblue. HEX #132B57 RGB 0 45 98 CMYK 100 83 33 32 Pantone 19-4028 TCX. Meadowgreen.

Hex 1d252d

Explore Pantone / PMS 433 C / #1d252d Barwy Hex. Szesnastkowykod kolour #1d252d jest bardzo ciemny odcieniem cyjan-niebiesko. W kolorze RGB model #1d252d składa się z 11.37% czerwonego, 14.51% zielonego i 17.65% niebieskiego. W kolorze HSL przestrzeń #1d252d ma odcień 210° (stopni), 22% nasycenie i 15% jasność. In a RGB color space, hex #1d212d is composed of 11.4% red, 12.9% green and 17.6% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 35.6% cyan, 26.7% magenta, 0% yellow and 82.4% black. It has a hue angle of 225 degrees, a saturation of 21.6% and a lightness of 14.5%. #1d212d color hex could be obtained by blending #3a425a with #000000.

Black Cherry. Pantone 4975 RAL: 3007 C:50 M:100 Y:40 K:50 Hex: 3E2022. Flex Blue. Pantone 541 RAL: 5010 C:100 M:58 Y:9 K:46 Hex: 003C71. Blaze Range (Matt finish) Click Here to Browse Blaze (Fluorescent) Plasti Dip . Fluorescent Coatings emit bright light when exposed to … 4,611 Likes, 19 Comments - Colours Cafe (@colours.cafe) on Instagram: “#colour348 .

Hex 1d252d

HEX #1BB86C RGB 27 184 108 CMYK 89 25 56 4 Pantone 569 C. Grey. HEX #9A9B9C RGB 154 155 156 CMYK 46 36 The Hex color 1D2A23 is a dark color, and the websafe version is hex 333333. A complement of this color would be 2A1D24, and the grayscale version is 252525. A 20% lighter version of the original color is 49574F, and 000000 is the 20% darker color. If you saturate the color by 10%, you get 192A21, and if you desaturate by 10%, it is 212A25. In a RGB color space, hex #1d252d is composed of 11.4% red, 14.5% green and 17.6% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 35.6% cyan, 17.8% magenta, 0% yellow and 82.4% black.

Red. Pantone 7621. RAL: 3000 Hex: 1D252D.

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Explore #1D252D color inspiration and conversions. Explore #1D252D color inspiration and conversions. Explore

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HEX: #1D252D. RGB: 29 37 45. PANTONE: PMS 433 C. All Pantone values are approximate and matched using the

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HEX #636A73 RGB 99 106 115 CMYK 67 49 43 16 Pantone 431 U. Darkblue. HEX #132B57 RGB 0 45 98 CMYK 100 83 33 32 Pantone 19-4028 TCX. Meadowgreen. HEX #bfcf28 RGB 191 207 40 CMYK 34 0 … Hex: 1D252D.